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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mr. Beer

I just botteled my first batch of home-made beer. Becky got me one of those kits for Christmas. It's kind'a fun. I mixed up a two gallon batch three weeks ago and let it sit in the closet. Now it has to sit for a week then I chill it fow a few days and yehaw!

Waiting Out Winter

Winter is dragging on ...and on.....and on. I'm really looking forward to spring and summer this year. I'm planning a series of hikes and possibly a wilderness camping trip. I've even begun working out to get back into shape. The knee hurts a little bit now and then, but I think that's due to the cold.

My goal this year is to reach the top of The South Sister which is an active volcanic mountian here in the cascades. It's almost 12,000 feet so it will be challanging. That won't happen till August or September though because I want to wait for most of the snow to melt up there. In the mean-time there are pleanty of other places to go.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Back Home

I was in Southern Oregon for the past five days. It was a business trip but I did manage a side trip to Northern California. I had never been there before so it was kinda exciting.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Needed Time To Think

I stayed away from here because I felt I was getting waaaaaay too I just stopped. Now I'm back ......
"And the adventure continues"....