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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Is Everybody Having a Good Time?

Went to bed kinda tired and down last night, but woke up fresh and back to normal (normal for me at least). I think it's just the "day in day out" grind that kinda got to me. It's really time for a vacation or something. The job has gotten repetitive and my enthusiasim is fading...It's time for some fun!

Maybe I'll take some time off in March and take some day trips...those are fun. I don't know, but I've got to do something to perk myself up. Hell if I don't do it myself nobody else will.

I guess it's hard to keep a fresh attitude about things during the winter months. I've always had trouble with that no matter where I've lived. But at least I've gotta try to wake up and have fun again.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Strange Day

It was a strange day all the way around yesterday. It got up to nearly sixty-five! I was off work, but I didn't really have much energy...I did manage to finally get up on the roof and take down the Christmas lights. Other than that it was kinda boring.

I found myself getting depressed toward evening. Part of it was boredom I think...nothing is fun when you have to do it all alone. Then ofcourse there was the usual yelling and screaming about nothing.

Like I said in my last post "you get used to it",(not really).

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You Get Used To It

I guess you get used to the mood swings...
The yelling...
The screaming.
It doesn't effect me as much as it did two years ago.
You get used to it.
But your life does tend to pass you by...
And you begin to wonder if this is it...
The minor leauges?
The way the "unhappy people" live?
Do I belong here?
Did I do something bad?
Am I a bad person?
Do I deserve this?