Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We had a cord and a half of fire wood delivered today. Just in time. We burned the last stick last night! We've gone through two cords since the first of October so we're hoping this will take us into March if we're careful.
Oh by the way...
Old Glory flies at my house everyday! This particular flag flew in Iraq and was sent to me by my dear friend Dave when he served over there six years ago. Thanks Dave! And not just for the flag.Cliff
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Christmas day 2009...can you imagine? My fifth Christmas in Oregonand like all of the others I'm at work. Almost time to go home though and there is a nice dinner ahead that my partner is whipin' up. We exchanged gifts last night and had a very nice time eventhough times are very rough financialy for us right now. Things will get better. Oh by the way...
I am offically cancer free! I had my eighteen month check up on Thursday and heard the words that at one point I thought I'd never hear, "looks like you beat it, congratulations"
So indeed:
Merry Christmas!