Our life is what our thoughts make it.
---Marcus Aurelius

Staying motivated has got to be my goal for the day! I’ve really been struggling trying to keep going on all cylinders. I don’t know what the problem is, but I just don’t feel right on a lot of different levels. During the day I feel like I’m on an emotional roller-coaster… on minute I'm up, the next down, and then everyone in a while I’m upside down!!!!
I’m hoping it’s just anxiety from having the H A but I don’t know. I feel like I’m in dry-dock, stagnating…or something. I want to move forward but I don’t know where to. I want to dream and plan again but it’s like my heart just isn’t in it anymore…and for those of you who know me (if you’re even out there) you know that just isn’t the old Cliffhanger. It’s hard to talk to anyone about this … I guess that’s why I started this blog…it’s more fun than a diary, and there is always that secrete hope that someone will drift across cyber-space, read something here and relate and maybe even contact me and yell at me to “SNAP OUT OF IT!!!”.
Anyway... Today is a new day! And I'm ready to give the roller-coaster one more ride.
Well I guess you arent going to answer me. Sorry to hear.
I started my own blog too
it's on yahoo under whispersintoair.... your fault...haha
Well I guess you arent going to answer me. Sorry to hear.
I started my own blog too
it's on yahoo under whispersintoair.... your fault...haha
sorry for the double post
hey call me okay... I want to know that you are okay
I hope this gets you to my blog. I do have some stuff on there bout the 4th of July. I really dont want it shared with anyone else cuz I dont want it to get back to them. These are my personal thoughts and I dont want to talk to her about it yet.
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