A Happy Place
Trying very hard not to feel sorry for myself tonight…really hard…but it is hard with the holidays coming. I have had to work every holiday since I got out here, but for this Thanksgiving I caught a break…I can have off. I came home tonight to spread the good news…I should’ve kept it to myself. I was told that I’m not allowed in the kitchen unless she needs help. I countered with “Why don’t you let me cook this time?” “No way, your cooking isn’t very good.”

“Ouch Baby”
That hurt really bad.
I don’t know…is it true? Has everyone just been humoring me all these years? I’ve been doing holiday dinners and parties and cook outs and tail-gate bashes for years. Has it all been in my mind? Do I really suck at it? Has everyone just been lying to me when they complimented me?
This is bad…really bad.
Cooking has always been one of my great stress relievers…something I really enjoyed. Now to be told I can’t even help? Might as well just go to work. Is McDonalds open on Thanksgiving?

Awe...it's been the same thing with everything about me since I moved here. The way I talk, the way I move... my eyes...my love-makong (ouch again baby)...all the things nobody has ever voiced an issue with me over before are now my major faults! Can this be right? Have I been walking around in a fantasy world in regards to how people percieve me? Do I in fact really suck at everything I thought I was good at? Hmm...this kinda changes things if it's true. Am I not who I think I am?
"Could be trouble for our hero"
Let me think on this concept for a minute.
I'm just tired I guess. I feel like I'm getting punched out here. (Time for some ROCKY theme music).
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