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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sitting In The Dark

I got a lot accomplished yesterday considering I didn’t start ‘till two in the afternoon. I finished the shelves in the garage and put everything away. It looks pretty good. Today I’m going to organize my work bench a little and there are some leaky faucets I need to fix.

I feel asleep before ten last night which caused me to wake up about one-thirty. I hate it when that happens ‘cause I usually wake up feeling very depressed and lonely. It was too early to stay up and too early for coffee so I grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the back porch and smoked cigarettes.

I remember my dad (the original Papa) always getting up in the middle of the night when I was a kid. He’d sit in the kitchen with the lights off and smoke. Sometimes if I came down for a glass of water he would sit very quiet and say “Boo!” just before I turned the light on. He scared the shit out of me every time right up till the day I moved out at age eighteen.

I never really thought about it much then, but I do quite often now. In fact when I sit alone in the dark he is one of the people I think about. I wonder too I if he was thinking about some of the same things I think about. Was he sad or depressed? Did he think about the past and the way things might have been had he chosen another path in life? Did he ever just sit there and cry like I do sometimes? I wonder.

When you are a kid you never think about your parents as people who have problems. At least I didn’t. All the troubles in the world and in there’s kept from us when we were small. I think that’s a good thing in many ways. When I was a kid I was allowed to be a kid. I was allowed to run and play and explore the world…(well the neighborhood anyway). We weren’t blasted and bombarded about news of the economy and the war in Korea. Issues of the day were kept to black and white for us. We weren’t forced to make any moral or life-style decisions at an early age as kids are forced to do now. We accepted the decisions and beliefs of are parents. That was law and you not only obeyed it you accepted it. We were taught love of God and country in that order. We were told to respect our teachers and policemen and the flag. We were taught the Ten Commandments and prayed every night as a family.

It’s just my opinion, but I believe this country would be a much better place if some of the practices used to raise children then were used now. There is plenty of time for the child to grow up and sit in the dark and worry or cry. Let the kids be kids. Raise them yourself. Don’t rely on the media and government or peers do the job for you. Keep it simple: black and white. There’s plenty of time to ponder moral implications and the global effects on commerce and bla…bla …bla.


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