For most of you out there today is Monday,but for me it's Saturday!!!! Two whole days off this week! That is unless the resort burns down or something.
All week long I think of all the things I want to get done or places and things I want to do on my two days off. I have it all maped out...charted....even written down sometimes!!!! BUT....when the weekend finally comes and I should be all revved up and ready to go....well guess what? All I wanna do is veg. Hmmmm.....
I spose it's the same for everybody....the spirit is willing, but the body says "Fuck this!".
Maybe today will be different....I'm at least posting and it's only six a.m.!!! Yeah well, we'll see won't we?
Let's play a little game...I'm gonna list all the things I planned to do during the next two days and come Wednesday moring we'll review the list and see just how much I actually do....hell you can have even more fun and place bets(those of you who know me will prob bet against me and make a killing!)
Here's the list:
All week long I think of all the things I want to get done or places and things I want to do on my two days off. I have it all maped out...charted....even written down sometimes!!!! BUT....when the weekend finally comes and I should be all revved up and ready to go....well guess what? All I wanna do is veg. Hmmmm.....

I spose it's the same for everybody....the spirit is willing, but the body says "Fuck this!".
Maybe today will be different....I'm at least posting and it's only six a.m.!!! Yeah well, we'll see won't we?
Let's play a little game...I'm gonna list all the things I planned to do during the next two days and come Wednesday moring we'll review the list and see just how much I actually do....hell you can have even more fun and place bets(those of you who know me will prob bet against me and make a killing!)
Here's the list:
- Cash in the soda and beer cans that are piling up(well...mostly beer cans).
- Wash my car (inside windows too (ewwwww)
- Paint the bathroom,bedroom and patio doors.
- Get Oregon tags for my car(they haven't caught me yet!)
- Do the lawn....(trim the hedges too)
- Clean the spare bedroom...(or what I refer to as the "holding area").
- Re-arrange the garage....(The Pit).
- Catch up on laundry (they hate it when I do the laundry so maybe this should go on the funlist).
- Clean the fridge (might have to buy one of those white suits the hazmat dudes wear).
OK now here is a list of the things I'd REALLY like to do"The Fantasy Fun List":
- Go to the baseball game's t-shirt night yehaw!!!!
- Go hiking at Tumalo State Park and take some pictures.
- Sit out in the sun and start reading the Harry Potter books (never got around to them).
- Sit out in the sun and start re-reading King's Gunslinger series.
- Sit out in the sun all day drinking beer then call all my friends (better scratch that one ....did it last summer and it got kinda ugly).
- Drink beer and watch all of the Austin Powers flicks back to back.
- Drink beer and watch all of the Rocky flicks back to back.
- Don't take my "happy pills" for two days in hopes they send me home on Wednesday for being a bitch.
Well there it is. Let's see which list I actully get those most items accomplihed on. Given my past history it could be real toss up!
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