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Friday, September 30, 2005

I just ran across an article on FOX that made me fall off my chair laughing. Here's an excerpt:

WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (search) and other Democrats on Thursday demanded that former Education Secretary William Bennett (search) apologize for remarks on his radio program linking the crime rate and the abortion of black babies.
Bennett responded that the comments, made Wednesday on his "Morning in America" (search) show, had been mischaracterized and that his point was that the idea of supporting abortion to reduce crime was "morally reprehensible."
The author of "The Book of Virtues," answering a caller's question, took issue with the hypothesis put forth in a recent book that one reason crime is down is that abortion is up.
"But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," Bennett said.

Any comments?
Twilight inthe High Desert yesterday
Clouds hovering over the Cascades last night
It was an extremly tough day at work yesterday...probably the toughest I've ever had there. Very strange goings on there all of a sudden. Things are happening that invoke feelings of paranoia and thoughts of a conspericy theory (how dramatic!). It's turned into a wierd place all of a sudden, but I'm sure it will pass.
So anyway, I was pretty upset when I got home so I grabed my camera, a beer, and a cigar, and ventured to the top of Pilot Bute to snag smoe pictures of the sun setting. These little evening trecks have become my form of relaxation. It's so amazing to have such examples of natural bueaty right inmy backyard.
I want to post some pictures of one of my best friends who just happens to be my nephew.

Me and Matt yuckin it up last year

Matt and his shiney new van at Miller Park this summer

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Back to work today.It's the big push before the quarterly inspection on Monday. I've got lots to do but I think I'll be in good shape come Monday (I hope!). Above is a picture of part of the resort where I work.
Was kind of a lazy day yesterday...but I managed to get out alittle last night. My roomate and I didn't feel like cooking (mostly I didn't feel like it cause it was my turn) so we got Homer some Taco Bell and the two of us went to Applebees! Of course when I got home I was stuffed so I just went to bed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I thought I'd post some pictures of Milwaukee tonight since I've used up all of my alloted space in the photo album.

My daughter Cori and her husband Andy tailgating at Miller Park

Me and Andy

Mini-Me enjoying the game

So far it's been a pretty wasted day. All I did was lay around or surf the web.I did get a chance to talk with my sister...that's always a hoot. Thinkin bout goin out for dinner tonight but I can't decide where. If town has got anything goin for it it's the fact that there are tons of awesome restuarants. Yummy!
I know I always refer to the place I live as "The Middle Of Fucking Nowhere"so I am posting a map so you can see where I'm coming from.

See what I mean?

It's kinda cool here though. It's been a year now and I've made some friends. I even know the mayor. That's me with "Mayor Bill" at a ball game this summer. He's a super guy! I've got a great career again so I guess I can't complain too much.

It's my brother in laws 50th birthday this Sunday...Happy Birthday Juris!!! My sister and him celebrated thier 25th wedding anniversary this month! If I would've stayed married to my first wife we would be celebrating our 30th this Friday! Wow how time flies!!!

Trying to think of something to write about....
I should be sleeping. We stayed up late talking last night it was fun but I'm paying for it this morning. At least I'm off today. What to do...what to do...
It really sucks being off in the middle of the week when everyone else is working.

Just hanging out last night in front of the house. It was a pretty nice night. Very rare for me to wear shorts this time of year back home but here it's become the norm even in the fall and winter months.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Last September, just a few days before I left Milwaukee, I attended my last Brewers game at Miller Park. Ironicaly at that time there was a big controversy that the Brewers might be leaving Milwaukee as well. I was just hanging out along the first base side sipping on a Miller Lite when I was approached by a television reporter who asked me my opinion on the whole brew-ha-ha. I of course was eager to chat and proceeded to give the reporter my take on the situation, then began to point out how it was in the "old days" when the Braves left town and the depression that setteled upon our dear Beer Town. And then never for a loss of words I informed him of my decision to leave town and why. This tid-bit sparked his interest and he called the camera man over and asked me to repeat my tale of the possible implications of such a devestating move (the Brewers not mine). They must've filmed for ten minutes or more, and the interview did air that evening, but was edited down to about ten seconds. That didn't bother me much...I was thrilled at the thought that my last visit to one of my favorite places on the planet is possibly archived in a vidio vault somewhere in the basement of local TV station.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

You know I have my faults. I'm lazy, I procrastante, and I'm pretty much of a spoiled and selfish brat sometimes, but I could always say that I was a good person. I always considered myself one of the good guys. Someone with a reasonable amount integrity and compassion who always looked out for the other guy no matter what. Now I'm not so sure. I've reached a point right now where a decision has to be made, and in the process of making that decision I've streatched the line seperating the good guys from the bad guys so far that if it breaks it's going to send me into total chaos.
I guess it's time to really think of all the possible outcomes...(ewww! my head hurts already!)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I can't believe I have a Saturday off!!!
I'm going to a wedding tonight so I thought I'd take the day off to just chill and clean out my car and stuff. My friend Gayle's son is getting married.
Nothing too heavy to write about this morning...went down to a local bar and had a few beers last night...something I do rarely these days mostly cause there aren't too many places close by to go to.
I got some inside information about some goings on in Milwaukee yesterday that concerns me...I think I'd better hurry up and get on the stick with things.

Here's a picture that I forgot I had. This is my daughter and I in Vegas for her wedding last spring. We were having one of the best conversations we've ever had! Plus those Coronas were tasting pretty good considering it was only 10am! How ironic...24hrs later I was in the E.R.!

I posted some new pictures in the photo album today...check 'em out.

Also I just added a message forum...I'm hoping to generate some comments and questions.

Friday, September 23, 2005

My father used to say "Everyday above ground is a good one" I think that's some thing we all need to remember.

Had a peaceful evening last night. I stopped on the way home and picked up some steaks for dinner then bent my roomate's ear with my latest adventure stories. It's great to see her smile and hear her laugh...she's pretty cool. It's hard to believe we've been sharing this house for almost a year now.

We get along pretty good seeing that we are totally opposite personalities. I also like her cause she puts up with alot of shit from me sometimes!

I can hear the rain falling outside...we don't get much rain around here so it should make for an interesting day if it keeps up...just hope it doesn't turn to snow. Don't think I'm quit ready for that yet.

I'm in a very positive mood this morning and it feels great! The last few days I have been kinda down and stressed. I'm trying to keep looking at things in a positive light 'cause before you know it the holidays will be here and that's when I usually get home-sick for Milwaukee. The plan is still to stay here till at least March... we heard this morning that heating bills are going up 13% so I'm gonna stick it out here and help with that then get my own place probably in Redmond which is fifteen miles North of here and much closer to work.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well it's back to work today after a so-so "weekend". Didn't do really any of the things I had planned o do but it was ok.
Not to scare any of you but I had another one of those "thingies" in my left arm last night it lasted for about an hour... then I fell back to sleep and I feel great now. This was bout two-thirty this morning. I wasnt sleeping too good..major stress involving those decisions I was talkin bout...then it hit...OWWWW!....thought bout callin 911 but still have bad vibe bout the last one so I decided to ride it out. Maybe I should call he doctor? DO YA THINK???
But really...IM OK!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm tired!!!
I think my days off wear me out more than work! I didn't do anything special yesterday,but I did manage to motivate myself up to the top of Pilot Bute to take pictures of the sunset.

Today I'm going to my friends house to help her build a fence...
Then I guess we're having friends over for a BBQ and hot-tubbing...(I know...what a tough life!).

Having a little trouble getting motivated though. Lots of shit on my mind. I'm facing some big decisions right now and there is really nobody to help me with them because they involve everyone that is close to me...what a bummer.

I added a bunch of pics today so be sure to check them out in the photo section.
Also added a new link to a blog that is VERY COOL, but also very erotic....its called The World According To Deni...she lives near me but I've never met her....boy I'd like to!!!! Check it out.

Do you know what really sucks? I can't seem to move on. The last week or so all I do when I'm home is drink beer and talk to my roomate about our failed relationship...kinda like those freaks who keep stabbing themselves cause they like pain....SICK!


This was sunset over Bend Oregon last night. Beautiful isn't it?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well, it's been awhile....
I took time out in August to have a nerveous breakdown of sorts. Everything went to hell so I just went inside of myself till things blew over.
I have a new friend now and I'm doing alot of interesting things and meeting new people again so I'm back on track, trying to put money away for a new apartment in the spring....something closer to work...a place where I can be alone.

It's hard to believe summer is over already. Really did't enjoy it as much as I thought I would...It was nothing like the past few summers in Milwaukee that's for sure. I miss the festvals and ball games. For some reason the Bend Elks don't quite do it for me.

So the adventure continues... I've be cosidering buying a bow. I haven't shot one since I was a kid, but out here I don't have to go far to find a place to practice so I might just try it again. That's the beauty of living out here...if you like the outdoors this is the place to be (the middle of fucking nowhere!). Well not exactly... the area is building up fast but I'm actually on the edge of a national forest and on the Eastern edge of the Cascade Mountian range. The scenery is breathtaking as you can see from my pictures.

My friend and I are planning a short camping trip before the snow flies(another thing I havent done in years.).