I took time out in August to have a nerveous breakdown of sorts. Everything went to hell so I just went inside of myself till things blew over.
I have a new friend now and I'm doing alot of interesting things and meeting new people again so I'm back on track, trying to put money away for a new apartment in the spring....something closer to work...a place where I can be alone.
It's hard to believe summer is over already. Really did't enjoy it as much as I thought I would...It was nothing like the past few summers in Milwaukee that's for sure. I miss the festvals and ball games. For some reason the Bend Elks don't quite do it for me.
So the adventure continues... I've be cosidering buying a bow. I haven't shot one since I was a kid, but out here I don't have to go far to find a place to practice so I might just try it again. That's the beauty of living out here...if you like the outdoors this is the place to be (the middle of fucking nowhere!). Well not exactly... the area is building up fast but I'm actually on the edge of a national forest and on the Eastern edge of the Cascade Mountian range. The scenery is breathtaking as you can see from my pictures.
My friend and I are planning a short camping trip before the snow flies(another thing I havent done in years.).
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