It was an extremly tough day at work yesterday...probably the toughest I've ever had there. Very strange goings on there all of a sudden. Things are happening that invoke feelings of paranoia and thoughts of a conspericy theory (how dramatic!). It's turned into a wierd place all of a sudden, but I'm sure it will pass.
So anyway, I was pretty upset when I got home so I grabed my camera, a beer, and a cigar, and ventured to the top of Pilot Bute to snag smoe pictures of the sun setting. These little evening trecks have become my form of relaxation. It's so amazing to have such examples of natural bueaty right inmy backyard.
I want to post some pictures of one of my best friends who just happens to be my nephew.

Me and Matt yuckin it up last year
Matt and his shiney new van at Miller Park this summer
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