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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I've really been meaning to post more often, but things have been crazy at work. These classes I'm teaching take up almost all of my spare time. However, I only have three more to do and that will take us into September already. Where has the summer gone???!!!
So aside from the classes and the traveling, and the new boss and all the other work shit, here's the update;

My health has been good still smoke and drink too much beer, but have been serios about dumping the smokes in September and cutting down on the brewskies....I can hear my sis and Mr. Matt laughing thier asses off! Quiet you guys! No, I'm really goin to try this time, but for reasons other than my health...I want to start saving money...I want to buy another house within two or three years. Don't know where though. Homes out here are way's nuts! Still thinking about the Seattle area if I can transfer there, but that would probably mean leaving my partner...big decision.
About my partner; She's still out of work and getting more depressed by the day. There just isn't much out here in her field. We've been getting along OK, it's just such a different kind of relationship than I'm used to. I'm just not the type of guy she's used too either...I'm very easy going and complex at the same time. I switch gears fast and I like to dream. I love to talk and plan for the future, I love to have fun and I can make anything fun if you let me! She's the opposite, always with the negative waves...even worse than my first wife!!! But I deal with it...partly out of love but mostly out of some kind of wierd loyalty...I'm that way sometimes.

I'm off today, but have alot of errands to run some of which are work related...just can't get motivated yet but at least I'm writing!

Gonna run for now...back soon.


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