Just Another Day In Paradise

Another day in paradise? Yeah right…it’s freezing here! Pretty, but still fuckin' freezing. Believe it or not this was taken in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. Even with the cloud cover at the resort it never got above what? 1o???
And to top it all off I was chasin' around outside of my office all day! It was just one major disasster after another(it's what I live for!) bullshit!!!
So after such a tough day you might imagine ol' Cliff spending the evening by the fire ,snugglin' with his sweetiee, and sippin' on some wine, bein' all romantic and stuff...NOT! This place may look like paradise but it sure ain't fantasyland!
You know who(not me), came home in a REAL foul mood. Come to think of it she almost always comes home in a foul mood...could it be she realizes she's comin' home to the likes of me?..naw...she loves me! This is the woman who said to me once"...well, you're not too repulsive to look at." and "...maybe it's because I'm not used to 'your type'." And oh yeah, "...You're not very'guy-like' are you?"...(never quite figured that one out but it can't be that bad can it?). So no...it isn't that. So anyway, me being the sensitive and understanding type, did the right thing which I have learned to do after countless failures during the past year.... I RAN AND HID! I spaced out with a book in the bedroom and probably feel asleep by eight!
What I life!...
I love it!...
Do you really Cliff?...
Well let's see... it's the only one I've got right now...so...
Carry on we must!
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