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Not much to say yet today...
But wanted to write something...
Site inspection was fourth one at this resort. We have a new regional manager. Very nice man. He had one on ones with the management team. Little half-hour sessions in private so he could get to know us. I was last...hey I'm always last. He must've been warned about me. Mine lasted close to an hour! my boss looked a bit nerveous when I came out. I'll have to clue him in today. I had no real complaints, but a lot of suggestions. Go figure!
Thinking bout taking a few days off in January. Gotta get this house in order. Also just want to hang out alone maybe take a day trip somewhere...need to take some more pictures of new sights!
But...I have to see that heart specialist on the third...who knows may be having surgery by the time its all over. You never know.
I feel good though. Just tired of some of the bull shit around here...makes me tense and funky.
Its funny though...the tension at work doesnt seem to bother me. It actually makes me come alive a bit...(dont tell my boss).
Got such a kick out of Mr. Matt's blog yesterday...I laughed about it a few times during the day...
I have to work a bit today then do some Christmass shopping.
What I'd really like to do is run away with a certian someone tho. I still kick myself for breaking up with her!
(God I crack myself up!)
Dream on Cliff...dream on...
Well anyway...I've got good taste in women.
Enough goofin' off Cliff!
I here my partner (the boss) in the kitchen yellin' bout something...another day in paradise begins!
But wanted to write something...
Site inspection was fourth one at this resort. We have a new regional manager. Very nice man. He had one on ones with the management team. Little half-hour sessions in private so he could get to know us. I was last...hey I'm always last. He must've been warned about me. Mine lasted close to an hour! my boss looked a bit nerveous when I came out. I'll have to clue him in today. I had no real complaints, but a lot of suggestions. Go figure!
Thinking bout taking a few days off in January. Gotta get this house in order. Also just want to hang out alone maybe take a day trip somewhere...need to take some more pictures of new sights!
But...I have to see that heart specialist on the third...who knows may be having surgery by the time its all over. You never know.
I feel good though. Just tired of some of the bull shit around here...makes me tense and funky.
Its funny though...the tension at work doesnt seem to bother me. It actually makes me come alive a bit...(dont tell my boss).
Got such a kick out of Mr. Matt's blog yesterday...I laughed about it a few times during the day...
I have to work a bit today then do some Christmass shopping.
What I'd really like to do is run away with a certian someone tho. I still kick myself for breaking up with her!
(God I crack myself up!)

Dream on Cliff...dream on...
Well anyway...I've got good taste in women.
Enough goofin' off Cliff!
I here my partner (the boss) in the kitchen yellin' bout something...another day in paradise begins!
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